Why is it that for over a decade, prominent publications have been exhorting Human Resources to be more strategic, more transformational, more agile? Moving from a transactional HR organization to a transformational one is incredibly difficult but it is vital in order for the organization to achieve its strategic objectives and provoke its employees to achieve uncommon results. It’s difficult…but not impossible, if the right approach is utilized. Our consultants have a proven track record of success on bolstering H.R. departments beyond relevancy to interdependency.
The ROIG Group has a passion for increasing the efficacy of Human Resources…a department that is arguably the most important yet undervalued functional area in a company. There is nothing more crucial than aligning every employee in the organization to the company’s strategic objectives. Our consultants have worked with clients of all sizes in the public and private sector to transform Human Resources Departments, provide cultural insights and action plans that work to evolve not only the HR department, but also the entire company.
Our solutions teams provide a comprehensive and truthful capability assessment as well as a recommendation to close gaps along with sequencing those efforts properly
Our staff supportive staff augmentation program pairs up HR leaders to work shoulder to shoulder to provide ongoing coaching and training in order to rapidly improve specific portions of the capability
Human Capital Capability Enhancement
Talent Strategy & Execution
Performance Leadership
Organizational Structure
Succession Planning
Human Capital Capability Enhancement
Start where you are and grow from there. ROIG conducts a thorough assessment of the company’s human capital capability in order to identify where the company is on the HR maturation curve (from transactional to strategic and transformational) and contrive a workable, value-accelerated change program to grow the capability with shoulder to shoulder and change management support.
Ask us about:
ROIG’s full human capital capability assessment
ROIG’s “Beyond the Business Partner” approach (making HR part of the business)
ROIG’s Capability Development Roadmap to Accelerate Maturation
Talent Strategy & Execution
When a company’s structure isn’t aligned to strategy, it’s difficult at best, disastrous at worst.
Through our Strategic & Organizational alignment assessment, ROIG works with our clients to bridge company strategy to talent strategy…strategy to planning…and planning to execution Talent Strategy encompasses all areas of the talent system to make sure the company has the right people in the right roles doing the right work in the right way at the right time…and that means making sure the organization is designed right, that the company has a common vision-of-good where talent is concerned, and that they are rewarding and recognizing employees in the right way.
Ask us about:
ROIG’s Strategic & Organizational Alignment Assessment
ROIG’s organizational prune-to-invest approach
ROIG’s impactful approach to organizational (re)design
ROIG’s 9 Elements of Total Rewards
Performance Leadership
Performance leadership is one of the least developed, but most important “muscles” in business. The task is simple enough – just align the appropriate management feedback to employee performance. Feedback in this context means praise, recognition, constructive feedback, or money (merit, incentive). Differentiated efforts that yield differentiated results should be praised. Failure should either be met with encouragement (where employee worked hard but fell short) or criticized. And those who were just “lucky” should have the ‘bar’ raised. Sounds simple enough. But how many companies struggle with this? And how damaging is it to employee engagement and performance when it is not done well?
Ask us about:
Our case study on how we helped a client’s valuation soar from ~$500M to ~$900M
Our industry agnostic L.E.A.D. performance leadership system
Our assessment tools and methodologies for identifying gaps in maturity
The 5 R’s of Performance Leadership for connecting the three steps of analytics (turning data into analytics, turning analytics into insights, and turning insights into action)
Organizational Structure
Leaders are addicted to Boxology – playing with org charts and moving boxes around. The current situation has only exacerbated that tendency, especially while many Human Resources teams are mired in the questions of how to bring people back to work. Our message is this: stop it before you hurt yourself. Back away slowly from Visio.
The concept of “prune to invest” is critical during this time of economic uncertainty and the risk that leaders aren’t thinking about the right organizational questions deeply enough is high. Without employing the right kind of focus in this area, leaders will inevitably cut too deep in pursuit of austerity or not cut deeply enough in an attempt to hold on to legacy work. The key question is how do you prune for efficiency without harming the customer experience or the employee experience? This is a chance for an organization to stop recycling ineffectiveness.
Our consultants have experience executing everything from Fortune 100 enterprise-wide highly complex organizational redesigns to smaller company or departmental restructures. And they bring with them easy to use frames, tools, templates, scripts, letters and a deep working knowledge of legal ramifications like avoiding adverse impact and ensuring compliance with the WARN Act.
Ask us about:
Our Organizational Design process to ensure our clients ask the right organizational questions to extract the strategic answers…all before drawing the organizational boxes.
Succession Planning
It’s not about just assessing today’s talent…but making sure the company is clear on what talent is going to be needed to prepare for the future. Making sure today’s talent is poised to usher in the company’s long-term strategy…and that means world class thought leadership about succession planning is needed.
ROIG positively exploits its unique and long-standing relationship with Dr. Bob Eichinger and TeamTelligent (see to identify and develop our client’s key talent and high potentials and coupling that system with change management to make sure clients are viewing their people through the lens of what is needed not just today, but tomorrow.
Ask us about:
ROIG’s methodology behind Group Facilitation
ROIG’s endorsement of TeamTelligent KSA tools
Learning & Development
Strategic Communications
Learning & Development
During these unprecedented times, the learning opportunities have to be even more innovative and thoughtful than ever before to consider remote capabilities. The good news is that for the better part of a decade, ROIG has been offering solutions that drive messages, learning programs, and campaigns to a geographically dispersed workforce. ROIG has worked with clients to completely overhaul their Learning & Development teams – in some cases, the clients outsourcing learning to ROIG and in other cases, ROIG working with People & Culture shoulder-to-shoulder to build and execute learning programs. Our award-winning Ignite leadership program (in person or via remote learning) is a powerful and unforgettable bootcamp that works to transform and grow leaders.
Ask us about:
Our Ignite Leadership Bootcamp
Our full outsource-able L&D approach
Our L.E.A.D. performance management system
Our C.R.E.A.T.E. sales model case study for retail
Strategic Communications
The communication methods, messages and vehicles that companies typically use are woefully inadequate…and during a time of change, communication is more important than ever. Finding the company’s unique cultural voice is paramount...but in order to do that, companies need great change-centric thinkers, writers, and producers of content. The ROIG Group and its subsidiary, One Voice Productions work to bring dynamic communication strategies to companies looking to create moments that provoke an emotional and cultural connection and make it stick. ROIG works with clients to either completely outsource their communications department or work alongside executive leadership and shoulder-to-shoulder with existing communications team members to make sure key messages are cascaded throughout the organization, in various channels in a consistent as well as a memorable way…and with one voice.
Ask us about:
How we use communication to drive leadership vision of good
How we use video platform to communicate big messages that are memorable…in minutes
ROIG’s methodology on both small and large group facilitation