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Robert Willey


Rob is a seasoned Business Development executive with a relentless focus on creating shareholder value through the development and implementation of consumer-centric strategies. His strong financial and consumer analytical/technical skills combined with P&L/business operations experience allows him a unique perspective to create highly effective and profitable opportunities.  Rob works with senior executives to help lead major transformational change.


At The ROIG Group, Rob provides brand and business strategy, financial analysis, innovation, cultural change management, and customer value prop development.



A sample of Rob’s recent work at The ROIG Group includes:

  • Implemented a news Sales Capability with multi-billion dollar international retailer; including a new sales model, sales leadership model, performance analytics, pay-for-performance construct, recognition, reengineering their talent management system for sales, and sales development

  • Led the design of a new compensation philosophy as well as the redefinition of the sales consultant and sales manager roles for multi-billion dollar home builder

  • Was the lead ROIG partner with multi-billion dollar retailer responsible for consolidating all buying and inventory/replenishment capabilities

Professional Highlights

Prior to co-founding The ROIG Group, Rob was SVP of Corporate and New Business Development at Musicland, responsible for all CEO-sponsored change initiatives.


Before joining Musicland, Rob was a Vice President at Best Buy, where he was responsible various areas – including acquisitions, inventory management and merchandise planning, strategic alliances, and strategic planning. Rob started and managed the “disruptive technologies” group at Best Buy charged with understanding technology trends and their implications. In 2004, Rob was one of a handful of officers selected to participate in the initial Customer Centricity initiative.


Earlier in his career, Rob spent 9 years with Accenture Consulting where he worked with a number of large retail clients including, Sears, Target, and Best Buy.



Academic Background

Rob graduated from the University of Wisconsin-Madison with a degree in Computer Science. Rob was a four year scholarship athlete in Basketball where he was recognized as All Big Ten academic team. He later received his MBA in Finance and Business Policy from the University of Chicago Booth School of Management.



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